Cards: Gras

【現代銃】|| "Modern Gun"

Soul Gun: Endless Envy, Stolen Glory

• Inflicts 1.2x (Max. 2x) damage three times on a random enemy.

Skill: Blade Slash

• Inflicts 1.8x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: FR

• When the battlefield is in France, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Clean-Up Approach

• Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%) against enemies with 50% or less HP remaining.

【Be Ruthless】|| "Be Ruthless"

Soul Gun: Secrets Through the Lens

• Inflicts 2.1x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Low Rapid Fire

• Inflicts 2.1x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: FR

• When the battlefield is in France, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Time to Attack

• When 50% or more HP remains, Attack is increased by 11% (Max. 20%).

【パリジャンの午後】|| "Parisian Afternoon"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Secrets Through the Lens

• Inflicts 2.1x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Low Rapid Fire

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: FR

• When the battlefield is in France, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Time to Attack

• When 50% or more HP remains, Attack is increased by 11% (Max. 20%).

Card Commentary:

This is a fragment of a distant memory. A prequel to their story in France. The stolen honor and status are well-suited to the pleasures of human flesh. The blind lizard Noble Musketeer lounges in a self-satisfied doze.

“Sorry, but I intend to do as I please.”

Soul Gun Commentary:

Pride. Wrath. Lust. Gluttony. Sloth. It’s easy to look down on these as grave sins, but in the end, they’re just human nature. After all, aren’t I "Envy”?

...laughing, the young man hides his true reasons behind his hands.

【許され得ぬは誰の行い】|| “Whose Deed is Unforgivable”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Endless Envy, Stolen Glory

• Inflicts 1.6x (Max. 2x) damage three times on a random enemy.

Skill: Blade Slash

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: FR

• When the battlefield is in France, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Clean-Up Approach

• Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%) against enemies with 50% or less HP remaining.

Card Commentary:

It’s raining in the streets of Paris. He despises history; that’s why I was infuriated. Something inside of me is screaming that I need to let this anger out, even if it means throwing everything away.

—as if I’d let him, him of all people, be allowed to repeat the past.

Soul Gun Commentary:

Steal it. Steal it away. That’s how I made my way in the world, and how I obtained everything I have. That’s why, anything that slips through these hands... those things can’t be. They mustn’t be allowed to exist.

【アプリコットの王子様】|| "Apricot Prince"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Switching Heart

• Inflicts 4.8x (Max. 6) damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Boldly forward!

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: FR

• When the battlefield is in France, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Overflowing Emotions

• Soul Gun damage is increased by 27.5% (Max. 50%).

Card Commentary:

The sun’s rays shine down on this Apricot Festival. With greed as his motto, the macarons are sold out with ease. Even now, another paying customer is unable to resist his charm... his eyes can steal away even your heart.

Soul Gun Commentary:

Isn’t it fine to think only of the present? You look like the heroine of a tragedy, you know. It’s no joke to have to cooperate with you.’ll just be this once. Just this once, you hear!

【月夜の花婿】|| "Moonlit Bridegroom"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Secrets Through the Lens

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Low Rapid Fire: Viser

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3) damage to a single enemy, and increases own critical rate by 10% (20 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Superiority: FR

• When the battlefield is in France, Attack increases by 22% (Max. 40%).

Trait 2: Blaze Heart

• Soul Gun gauge is filled by 44% (Max. 80%) when the battle begins.

Card Commentary:

In the distance, you can hear the racket of the newlywed couple celebrating their union, gained after so much struggle. Having secretly helped bring them together, he quietly passes the time out in the garden on this moonlit night.

Soul Gun Commentary:

Tonight is a banquet of celebration. Let’s spend the night here, while listening to the tune of their sweet and tender love. Shall we look up to the night sky and swear upon that sparkling moon— just as those two exchanged an eternal vow?

【1周年を君と】|| “A Whole Year with You”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: I can’t be sincere, and yet—

• Inflicts 9.6x damage to a single enemy, and decreases own Defense by 30% (20 sec).

Skill: Gun Salute: 1st Anniversary!

• Inflicts 3.2x damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Nation’s Pride: FR

• France Group units’ Critical rate is increased by 5.5% (Max. 10%), and Attack and Defense are increased by 5.5% (Max. 10%) when the battlefield is in France.

Trait 2: Hidden Strength

• When HP is less than 30%, Attack increases by 55%, (Max. 100%). Remains standing with 1 HP when receiving an attack that would be a knock-out (once per battle).

Card Commentary:

Master and Musketeers, their way of existing together. As long as you live with guns, there will be no peace. But we’ll still keep moving forward. Like the brilliant sun rising in the sky, cutting through the night— no despair will last forever

Soul Gun Commentary:

No matter what the future holds, I can face it with you. Absolutely.