Cards: Herme

【現代銃】|| "Modern Gun"

Soul Gun: Denkendes Eisen

• Inflicts 1.8x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Full Sweep

• Inflicts 0.9x (Max. 1.5x) damage to all enemies.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: DE

• When the battlefield is in Germany, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Stand Firm

• When HP is less than 50%, Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

【Be Ruthless】|| "Be Ruthless"

Soul Gun: Time to Wind the Mainspring

• Inflicts 2.1x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Single-Shot

• Inflicts 1.05x (Max. 1.5x) damage to all enemies.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: DE

• When the battlefield is in Germany, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Safety Guarantee

• Each time an enemy is defeated, Defense increases by 2.2% (Max. 4%), Max. 5 enemies.

【完璧主義の鉄の秘密】|| “The Perfectionist’s Iron Secret”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Time to Wind the Mainspring

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Single-Shot

• Inflicts 1.2x (Max. 1.5x) damage to all enemies.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: DE

• When the battlefield is in Germany, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Safety Guarantee

• Each time an enemy is defeated, Defense increases by 2.2% (Max. 4%), Max. 5 enemies.

Card Commentary:

This is the fragment of a distant memory. A prequel to their story in Germany. As an older brother and assistant commander, Herme always aims to be perfect. However, his “human behavior” can suddenly reach its limit sometimes.

“I want to stay like this and become a gun again...”

Soul Gun Commentary:

Iron Days. The days where I throw everything aside and become iron. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to throw this body aside as well— huh, why are you angry? What? But it would be strange if iron wore clothes.

【その邂逅は鉄錆の香】|| “Rust-Scented Chance Encounter”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Denkendes Eisen

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Full Sweep

• Inflicts 1.2x (Max. 1.5x) damage to all enemies.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: DE

• When the battlefield is in Germany, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Stand Firm

• When HP is less than 50%, Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Card Commentary:

A Noble Musketeer is thinking iron. There are some who try to act like humans, and because of that, afraid and uncertain, they regret their judgments. Those ones are pitiable fools. On a battlefield overflowing with gunsmoke and blood, such behavior leaves one idle. We are but thinking iron. Advance, and do not hesitate.

Soul Gun Commentary:

We are thinking iron. Throw away your emotions. They’ll only get in the way. What happened to the man who didn’t let go of them? Precisely. That’s why I should be iron and nothing more.

—that’s where our pride lies.

【獣医見習い】|| “Veterinary Assistant”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Denkendes Eisen

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to all enemies.

Skill: Full Sweep

• Inflicts 1.2x (Max. 1.5x) damage to all enemies.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: DE

• When the battlefield is in Germany, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Blaze Heart

• Soul Gun gauge is filled by 44% (Max. 80%) when the battle begins.

【情熱のパソドブレ】|| "Passionate Pasodoble"

Soul Gun: Dance in the Night

• Inflicts 4.8x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Tempo and Rhythm!

• Inflicts 2.16x (Max. 2.7x) damage to a single enemy, and increases own Attack by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: DE

• When the battlefield is in Germany, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Time to Attack

• When 50% or more HP remains, Attack is increased by 11% (Max. 20%).

Card Commentary:

The doors of the dance hall open, and the dazzling spotlight shines down on Herme and the others. Their passionate steps fill the hall with excitement, and the heat that could melt even the moon dissolves into the darkness of the night.

Soul Gun Commentary:

When you peer into a kaleidoscope, the flowers of passion are blazing inside. Magnificently, brilliantly, that fiercely burning passion grips the observer and doesn’t let go— you are already that matador’s prisoner.

【高炉の落日】|| "Blast Furnace Sunset"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Denkendes Eisen — Ⅱ

Inflicts 3.6x damage to all enemies, and decreases targets’ Defense by 20% (20 sec).

Skill: Mass Rapid Fire

Inflicts 3x damage to a single enemy, and decreases the target’s Defense by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: DE

When the battlefield is in Germany, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Heartbeat

Attack is increased by 10%, Defense is increased by 10%, and Soul Gun gauge is filled by 40% when the battle begins.

Card Commentary:

Herme, the Noble Musketeer, dislikes emotions. You could even say he loathes them. Today as well, he looks down on those who rely on them by looking down on them with his frigid gaze. He still doesn’t realize that the feeling of loathing in itself isn’t so iron-like.

Soul Gun Commentary:

There was once a compassionate man, driven by his emotions, and killed by them as well. ...he was my previous owner. A foolish topic, isn’t it? You resemble him a bit, you see.

—I won’t let you make the same mistakes he did.