Cards: Springfield

【現代銃】|| "Modern Gun"

Soul Gun: The Snake Led to this World

• Inflicts 4.8x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Killing Shot

• Inflicts 1.62x (Max. 2.7x) damage to a single enemy, and increases own critical rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitude: US

• When the battlefield is in America, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Time to Attack

• When 50% or more HP remains, Attack is increased by 11% (Max. 20%).

【Be Ruthless】|| "Be Ruthless"

Soul Gun: Guided by a Meteor

• Inflicts 4.2x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Mass Fire

• Inflicts 2.1x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitide: US

• When the battlefield is in America, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Overflowing Emotions

• Soul Gun damage is increased by 27.5% (Max. 50%).

【星に願うこと】|| "Wish Upon a Star"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: Guided by a Meteor

• Inflicts 4.8x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Mass Fire

• Inflicts 2.4x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitide: US

• When the battlefield is in America, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Overflowing Emotions

• Soul Gun damage is increased by 27.5% (Max. 50%).

Card Commentary:

This is a fragment of a distant memory. A prequel to their story in America. The day he was powerless in a dark back alley. Hiding his scarred memories in his heart, Springfield makes a wish on a shooting star.

“What... why, wh-why am I crying...?

Soul Gun Commentary:

When I was alone, the tears kept flowing. When I’m with everyone, the stars flow instead. Even if I look up at the same dark sky as ever, if I turn around, my heart is warm. Please, let this last forever...

【林檎色の夕焼け】|| "Apple-Colored Sunset"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: The Snake Led to this World

• Inflicts 4.8x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Killing Shot

• Inflicts 2.16x (Max. 2.7x) damage to a single enemy, and and increases own critical rate by 10% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitide: US

• When the battlefield is in America, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Time to Attack

• When 50% or more HP remains, Attack is increased by 11% (Max. 20%).

Card Commentary:

Why does the apple given to me by someone precious taste slightly salty? Every time I learn something new, my bond with everyone deepens little by little, and my world takes on a new color.

Soul Gun Commentary:

Reaching my hand toward the forbidden fruit, tasting of honey both sweet and bitter. Even if my power is that which hurts others, if I can still protect those who are important to me... Accepting both the sadness and the pain, I’ll keep walking forward, together with my precious friends.

【ザクロ寮】|| "Pomegranate Dorm"

Soul Gun: Guided by a Meteor

• Inflicts 4.2x (Max. 6x) damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Mass Fire

• Inflicts 2.1x (Max. 3x) damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Battlefield Aptitide: US

• When the battlefield is in America, Attack increases by 11% (Max. 20%), and Defense increases by 11% (Max. 20%).

Trait 2: Hostility Sensing

• Increases own Attack by 11% (Max. 20%) against enemies that have attacked self.

【どうか安らかに】|| "Please, Rest"

Card Stories

Soul Gun: The Snake Led to this World: Pierce

• Inflicts 8x damage to a single enemy.

Skill: Mass Fire: Trained Hoard

• Inflicts 3x damage to a single enemy, and increases own Attack by 20% (10 sec).

Trait 1: Battlefield Superiority: US

• When the battlefield is in America, Attack increases by 22% (Max. 40%).

Trait 2: Go Ahead

• When 50% or more HP remains, Attack is increased by 11% (Max. 20%).

Card Commentary:

Bugs. Ghosts. Often, young men aren’t as afraid of what most others fear. (I’m more scared of living humans, after all...) the way, don’t tell anyone, but I think it’s a bit cute when others are scared.

Soul Gun Commentary:

I’m not afraid anymore. I’m alright. ...the truth is, your feelings aren’t unfamiliar to me. I hope that you’ll all be able to meet kind people as well, someday.

【1周年を君と】|| “A Whole Year with You”

Card Stories

Soul Gun: “Big Brother’s” Day

• Inflicts 5.76x damage to a single enemy, and decreases target’s Defense by 20% (10 sec).

Skill: Gun Salute: 1st Anniversary!

• Inflicts 3.2x damage to a single enemy.

Trait 1: Nation’s Pride: US

• America Group units’ Critical rate is increased by 5.5% (Max. 10%), and Attack and Defense are increased by 5.5% (Max. 10%) when the battlefield is in America.

Trait 2: Fierce Mind

• Soul Gun damage is increased by 55% (Max. 100%) when 50% or more HP is remaining.

Card Commentary:

Master and Musketeers, their way of existing together. As long as you live with guns, there will be no peace. But we’ll still keep moving forward. Like the brilliant sun rising in the sky, cutting through the night— no despair will last forever

Soul Gun Commentary:

No matter what the future holds, I can face it with you. Absolutely.