Musketeer Story: Chassepot

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Melancholy Rain

*scene starts on the training field at night*

Chassepot: Such bothersome rain... ugh... my head hurts...


• ...Chassepot?

• What are you doing out here?

Chassepot: Ah, (Player Name)...? What about you, out at this hour?


• I came to get something I’d forgotten.

• I was looking for you.

(CHOICE 1) Chassepot: I see... If you’ve found what you’d forgotten, it would be wise for you to return to the dorm quickly. It’s chilly out tonight, and I’d hate for you to catch a cold.

(CHOICE 2) Chassepot: I see... I’m alright, so please hurry back to the dorm. It’s chilly out tonight, and I’d hate for you to catch a cold.


• You should come back with me, Chassepot.

• Let’s warm up by the fireplace in the common room.

Chassepot: No... I’d rather stay here for a little longer. Today... I’d like to have some time to myself, somewhere quiet.

Chassepot: Ah, please don’t be concerned, though. It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just... the humidity is making it impossible for me to get to sleep.

Chassepot: I’ll come back to the dorm shortly, so—

*Gras and Tabatiere appear*

Tabatiere: Is this where you’ve been, Chassepot? You’d disappeared, so I’d come looking for you, but it seems dear (Player Name) found you first.

Gras: And here you are, just fine, after we had to go to the trouble of looking for you.

Tabatiere: You talk like that, but weren’t you the first one to say we should go search for Chassepot when he wasn’t in his room?

Gras: ...shut up, Tabatiere!

Chassepot: Ugh... lower your voices. My head is ringing... And I never asked you two to look for me. This is none of your business.

Gras: Oh, really now? Class was about that today, so I just came to see if some strange mood had gotten into you.

Gras: And judging from your behavior... it’s still weighing on your mind, isn’t it? Good grief, that was ages ago. Get over it already.

Tabatiere: Gras, don’t say it like that. Be honest, why don’t you? Just tell him you’re worried.

Gras: Worried? I never thought anything of the sort! I was just telling him—

Chassepot: —SHUT UP!


• ...!?

• Chassepot...?

Chassepot: ...ah... apologies. I wasn’t talking to you, (Player Name).

Chassepot: But, right now... I just want to be alone.

Tabatiere:’s probably best if we leave this to rest for tonight.

Gras:’re such a pain.

*Chassepot leaves*


• What happened in class today?

• Can you tell me what’s going on?

Tabatiere: Ah... sorry about that. You must be worried too, (Player Name)-chan.

Tabatiere: There was a lesson about French history today. It included something that’s deeply personal to him...

Gras: As in, the Paris Commune— “Bloody Week”.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: