Musketeer Story: Enfield

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: I want to do it for you.

Enfield: Oh, the schedule chart on the bulletin board has gotten out of date. I should replace it.

Student A: Enfield-san, we cadets are responsible for such chores...!

Enfield: Thank you for your concern, however, I’ve already replaced it, so it’s alright.

Student A: O-Of course...!

Student B: Um, Enfield-san! Could we discuss one of my classes, please?

Enfield: Yes, of course! You may ask me whatever you wish.

Student B: I don’t understand what this part means...

Enfield: Ah, yes, that’s—

Student B: Okay, okay, so that’s it...! You’re so knowledgeable, Enfield-san...! Thank you so much!

Enfield: Of course! Please, get in touch with me any time you need.

Enfield: Phew. Being kind to people is such a wonderful feeling!

Instructor: Hello there, Enfield-kun. Your results on the last exam were excellent again, as always.

Enfield: It's nothing so praiseworthy. For the famous gun that’s the pride of the British Empire, such results are only natural.

Enfield: And of course, it’s not only by my own ability. It’s thanks to the guidance from my instructors that the material is easy to understand.

Instructor: How modest of you...! Deputy General Kyoudou would be proud to have an outstanding Noble Musketeer such as yourself as a student. I look forward to seeing more from you.

Enfield: Heheh, thank you very much, sir.

*scene changes to Master’s room*

Enfield: Thank you for your hard work today, Master. It was a bit chilly today, wasn’t it? I’ve brought some warm tea for you.


• Thank you.

• You’re always so thoughtful.

Enfield: I’m not able to do things of much importance, but I’m happy to be useful to you.

Enfield: I want to aid my Master to the best of my ability. That’s something I decided for myself.

Enfield: You’d so kindly said before that you won’t remodel me.

Enfield: My Master accepts me as I am... I’m truly grateful for that.


• You’re good as you are, Enfield.

• You don’t need to be remodeled.

Enfield: For you to say that, even now, I feel like I’ve been saved. Thank you so very much, truly...!


• Same to you. Thank you for everything.

Enfield: No, no, really., is it alright if I fold this towel?

As he efficiently tidies up the room, Enfield suddenly looks up.

Enfield: By the way, Master. Was the tea to your liking?


• It was delicious.

• I did! What kind of tea was it?

Enfield: That’s wonderful. Since it’s about three hours before bedtime, I prepared an herbal tea that promotes relaxation and sound sleep.

Enfield: You’ve been so busy lately, it seems that you haven’t been getting proper rest.

Enfield: Now then, have a good night.


• (Huh...?)

• (Did I say I haven’t been sleeping well?)

Confused, (Player Name) stares at the door after Enfield has left.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: