Musketeer Story: Hachikyu

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Hachikyu's Suffering

Hachikyu: Tch, this is bad...! Shit, shit...! I seriously have no luck today!!

Hachikyu: Oh, (Player Name)! Hey, you don’t happen to have any yakisoba bread, do you?


• Yakisoba bread?

• I don’t have any...

Hachikyu: Damn it, there goes my last hope...! What am I gonna do... go back to the classroom like this...? It’d be certain death if I do...! That’s not happening!!


• What’s going on...?

• What’s wrong?

Hachikyu: Ah... yeah. Murata told me to buy him yakisoba bread for lunch, but...

Hachikyu: I wound up dozing off, and by the time I opened my eyes, it was all sold out.

Hachikyu: On top of that, they somehow figured out that I’d read Arisaka’s diary... If they find me, they’ll kill me for sure...!

Hachikyu: Hahh... even after coming to a military academy, a gunman’s life is super hard mode.

Hachikyu: ...nh! That’s it! You gotta help me escape!


• Why?

• Nope.

(CHOICE 1) Hachikyu: On the mega-rare chance we get caught, if you’re there, you’d make a good buffer, y’know?

(CHOICE 2) Hachikyu: That fast!? I’m begging you, so at least ask why!

Hachikyu: I mean, it’d suck to have to re-summon me and hurt yourself worse, right? So keep me from being killed!

Murata: Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure. ...oh, Arisaka. Did you not hear the voice of that useless scoundrel just now?

Arisaka: I heard him over here. Arisaka will lead the way.

Hachikyu: Shit! They’re here! C’mon, let’s go!

Hachikyu roughly grabbed (Player Name)’s arm and took off running.

Hachikyu: C’mon, over here!

Hachikyu: *pant*... *pant*... Let’s hide here for now.

Hachikyu’s hiding spot was in a PE warehouse near the sports field.

Hachikyu: They won’t find us in here... I hope.

Hachikyu: If they do find us, it’s your turn. I’ll be counting on you.


• Am I supposed to apologize...?

• I guess it can’t be helped.

(CHOICE 1) Hachikyu: Are you an idiot? If you apologize, they’ll just be like, “Oh, is that so?” and not forgive me at all.

(CHOICE 2) Hachikyu: Alright! I can seriously count on you, right...?


• By the way...

• How long are you going to keep your hand there?

Hachikyu: Hand... woah!? Why were you so close!?

Hachikyu: Wait, I was the one who grabbed you, I guess... Um, s-sorry for being gross...

Hachikyu: ......

—about ten minutes later.

Hachikyu: think we’re okay now? Maybe those two have gotten tired of looking, gave up, and gone back to the classroom...

Hachikyu: For now, let’s see if we’re clear.

Hachikyu: Hell yeah! No sign of Murata or Arisaka! Hey, (Player Name), sorry for suddenly dragging you into—

Student 1: Hey, look over there.

Student 2: That’s the one who was with the World Empire...

Several students with grim looks in their eyes came toward Hachikyu and (Player Name), and stood surrounding them.

Student 3: Hey, you... you used to be the World Empire’s Musketeer, didn’t you?

Student 1: You don’t belong here. How could you support the tyrannical regime of the World Empire, then just turn around and come to this school as if nothing’s wrong...!?

Student 2: Your old memories aren’t gone just because your Master’s changed, right? How do you feel about those old days?

Student 4: Do you feel regret? If you do, your words and actions should show it loud and clear!

Hachikyu: ......


• Can we please calm down?

• This isn’t doing any good.

Student 1: Are you gonna defend this guy? You know what the World Empire did, don’t you?

Student 3: So tell us, how do you feel!? Answer truthfully!

Hachikyu: ...hah.

Hachikyu: ...when a pencil writes a word, is that word what the pencil thinks?

Student 4: What are you talking about!? The pencil doesn’t think, and it doesn’t write on its own, either.

Hachikyu: Are “that” and “me” really any different?

Hachikyu: Noble Musketeers may be treated like we’re so important, but we’re just guns. We’re summoned and used by our Masters— it’s a totally different position than you mighty humans.

Hachikyu: There’s my refute. See ya later.

Student 3: ...w-wait! You’re not just a gun. You’re a Musketeer! You’re not the same as a gun or a pencil!

Student 3: You can think, speak, and move on your own. Were your intentions truly unrelated to what you did in the past?

Hachikyu: ......

Kyoudou: Hey, you over there! What’s this commotion? Personal fights are against school rules.

Student 1: ...., Professor Kyoudou. Nothing’s going on. We’re just talking.

Student 3: ...sometime, we’re going to get that answer.

Hachikyu: ......

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: