Musketeer Story: Karl

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Non Plus Ultra

*the scene starts looking distorted and dream-like*

Karl: Hey, ———. I'm fond of you, you know.

Karl: We may be on our way to the end of the world...

Karl: But I’ll be with you when it comes. Beyond the pillars of “Non Plus Ultra”1, we will surely reach a new world!

Karl: Now, let’s go together. Aim for what’s beyond the end of this world!

*scene changes to a blank, white background*

Karl: .......? This is...? The new world?

Karl: Leo! Margarita!

Karl: ...... There’s no one here...

???: ...rl-sama. Karl-sama...

Karl: ...! You all are...

When Karl turned around, standing behind him were what appeared to be the departed souls of his past Masters.

Masters’ Ghosts: ......

Karl: history rolls ever forward, no small number of sacrifices are caught up in its wheels.

Masters’ Ghosts: ......Karl...sama...

Karl: Nonetheless, I am deeply pained by your deaths. Beyond that... I and all of you are all lonely existences. As comrades in loneliness, let’s go together.

As Karl opens his arms, his Masters’ forms shift into pale light and fade into him.

Karl: Uu......

Karl: (Leo, Margarita, and ———......)

Karl: (Was this truly the right thing to do...?)

*scene changes to an outdoor area*

Karl: ......? Oh...?


• You okay?

• You looked like you were having a nightmare.

Karl: Ahh... it’s you. Sorry about that. I believe I was dreaming.

Karl: Listen and be amazed. It was a dream where I was trying to eat an enormous steak, all but buried in its fine meat.


• Sounds nice.

• Really...?

(CHOICE 1) Karl: I didn’t expect you to believe that. Your candor astounds me.

(CHOICE 2) Karl: That was a lie, of course. Still, I’d like to see a dream like that someday.

Karl: Hahaha. Anyway, please don’t take offense. I’d grown slightly bored while waiting for you and had dozed off a bit.


• You were waiting for me...?

Karl: Indeed. Today, I thought I’d take a tour of Philcrevert Allied Forces Military Academy.

Karl: There were people who had volunteered to show me around, but I assumed you’d enjoy the task more than the students and faculty who all seemed so intimidated.

Karl: However, since you said you were in class at the time, I decided to relax for a bit while I waited for you. Fortunately, this bench was right here in the shade.

Karl: I was trying to think over the upcoming battle, but... the breeze was so pleasant that before I knew it, I’d nodded off.


• So that’s what happened...

• Sorry for making you wait.

Karl: Now then, how about that tour, my new Master?

Karl: As a Noble Musketeer of Austria, and as one who fought in the Resistance seven years ago, I’ve seen worlds you couldn’t imagine...

Karl: However, this military academy is still new to me. I look forward to it!


1“Non Plus Ultra” means “nothing further beyond”.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: