Musketeer Story: Like Two

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Like Two-style Training

Like Two: Hey, (Player Name).

Like Two: At training today... when we were running in the low-ready position, You were in pretty bad form.


• ...?

• It seemed the same as usual.

Like Two: Haahh... that’s how you always do it? Your times don’t seem too bad, but I’m guessing you got worn out in the second half.

Like Two: By the time you reached the goal, your body was shaking like crazy. You need to do some endurance training. Basic strength training too, while you’re at it.

Like Two: You’re my Master, you know, so it’s a problem if you’re sticking to weak-ass training that keeps you at the level of some average soldier.

Marks: Hey, Like Two!

Like Two: What?

Marks: It looked like you were picking on Master. You didn’t say anything impolite to them, did you?

Like Two: Not really. All I did was tell the truth. Half-assed capabilities are a problem, so they need to train with all they’ve got.

Marks: Huh...? Master doesn’t miss even a day of training, and their grades are always among the best. What do you have to complain about?

Like Two: Yeah, I know that. Scoring well in this puny military academy is good and all, but it doesn’t matter if you can’t show results in actual combat.

Marks: That’s... true, I guess. But when Master’s in battle, we Musketeers are by their side.

Marks: Even if some part of them isn’t enough, we’ll be there to support them, so it’s alright. Don’t you think?

Marks: Instead of complaining all the time, why don’t you put in the effort to become more of Master’s strength?

Like Two: Haah? I couldn’t be more perfect if I tried. And anyway, I’m not complaining; I’m just pointing out the truth.

Like Two: ...and anyway, a half-hearted way of training that assumes someone will be there to support you is just... useless.

Like Two: (Player Name) has to gain their own strength. You and I both, we can’t always be by their side.

Marks: Wrong, I’m always going to be by Master’s side. Now and forever!

Like Two: Not necessarily. You never know what could happen, or when!

Marks: Hmph. If someone tries to separate me from Master, that person will be shot dead before anything else.

Like Two: Oh, come on— you don’t get it! There are plenty of other reasons why you might not be beside them!


• Stop!!

Marks: Master...


• Like Two has a point.

• I have to be able to get through things on my own.

Like Two: ...aah. It’s good that you get it.

Like Two: (Player Name), if you’ve got the will to do this, come to the training room later.

Like Two: I know you train every day as it is, but since you’re not getting the right results, maybe there’s something wrong with your method.

Like Two: I’ll make sure your form and loads are what they should be.


• Thank you.

• I appreciate it.

Like Two: ......I’ll tell you now, I won’t go easy on you.

Marks: Hey, I won’t forgive you if you put an excessive load on Master. I absolutely won’t allow them to get hurt!

Like Two: Shut up, you pushover.

Marks: What was that!?

Like Two: Haah... Later, (Player Name). Don’t forget to stop by the training room.

*Like Two leaves*

Like Two: Geez. At this rate, that idiot Marks is going to stick to Master’s side and join in on training too... Well, I guess I can just train him too if that happens.

Like Two: ...even if I train perfectly on my own, it’s useless. If everyone doesn’t gain power on their own, in the end, again...


???: ...big brother!


Like Two: ...

Like Two: ...alright, I’ll do some strength training to clear my head!

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: