Musketeer Story: Mikhael

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Wishes Fulfilled, Yet Unfulfilled

Hachikyu: ...huh.

Hachikyu: (Over there... is that Mikhael?)

Hachikyu stopped in his tracks when he saw (Player Name) and Mikhael together, talking.

Hachikyu: (Mikhael... so he came here.)

Hachikyu: (I tried to send him letters back when I was in Japan, but none of them were ever delivered, in the end... that was probably for the best.)

Hachikyu: (“This” Mikhael looks like he has one normal eye, so he has to be a different individual.)

Hachikyu briefly passed them, but turned his head to look at Mikhael one more time.

Hachikyu: (From behind, he seriously looks like “that” Mikhael...)

Hachikyu: (Should I try to talk to him? ...this would be our first meeting, though, and having someone you don’t know start talking to you out of nowhere freaks you out.)

Hachikyu: (The fact that he’s with (Player Name) means that I’ll get introduced to him sooner or later, even if I don’t do anything now...)

Mikhael: Hey, you.

Hachikyu: Whooah!?

Hachikyu: Wh-When did you get behind me...!?

Mikhael: You have a unique rhythm, you know.

Hachikyu: Huh? Ah, th-thank you... name’s Hachikyu.

Mikhael: Hachikyu...

Hachikyu: Ah—, I’m an assault rifle made in Japan, I belong to the Self-Defense Force, and before that, I was with the World Empire—

Hachikyu: (...wait, wait! Why did I say that last part!?)

Hachikyu: Ah, sorry! Nevermind, forget about that—

Mikhael: Oh, what a coincidence. I was as well.

Hachikyu: ...huh?

Mikhael: It seems that I was once the World Emperor’s gun. You might know me from back then.

Hachikyu: Hold on, this isn’t making any sense. What’s going on, (Player Name)!?


• He was repaired...

• It seems to be amnesia.

While being returned to his country, Mikhael was almost stolen by armed criminals. During the battle to stop them, he was damaged.

He was summoned after being repaired, but as (Player Name) told Hachikyu, he had lost almost all memories prior to that.

Hachikyu: Seriously...?

Hachikyu: (So that’s why he looks a little different...)

Hachikyu: ......

Mikhael: Is there something odd about my face?

Hachikyu: No, nothing weird. I was just thinking that your eye is kinda mesmerizing...

Hachikyu: (Come to think of it, I’d only seen Mikhael’s eyes once before. Back then, I think they were lit up red by the setting sun...)

Hachikyu: (Does the color change depending on when you look at them? That would be pretty amazing...)

Hachikyu: Um... is it because of the repairs that you’re able to see? I guess that wasn’t really broken before, though.

Mikhael: I truly don’t remember much of anything from before... I don’t know... however...

Mikhael:’s faint, but I have the feeling that I wanted to see someone’s face.

Mikhael: Perhaps that’s why I became able to see in one eye.

Hachikyu: ...!!

Mikhael: Although, I can’t remember who it was. ...heheh.

Hachikyu: I-Is that so...?

Hachikyu: (Wanted to see someone’s face...?)

Hachikyu: (I was the one who talked with him a lot back then... No way, the person whose face he wanted to see... could it be me...?)

Hachikyu: (No, no, there’s a limit to how self-conscious I can get! ...thinking rationally, it would have to be that person. Other than that, the most likely option might be F...)

Mikhael: Someday... maybe I will remember.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: