Musketeer Story: Murata

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Murata's Wrath

*scene starts in the school cafeteria*

Murata: Mmm... delicious, delicious.

Murata: Even as Musketeers, it’s good to get away from the battlefield and enjoy drinking some tea underneath the bright, clear sun.

Murata: Oh, Arisaka, are you done with your sweets already? If you can’t afford more, I would gladly get them for you. What would be to your liking?

Arisaka: ...Arisaka thinks that madeleines sound good.

Murata: Madeleines... do tell me, which ones are those?

Arisaka: They’re baked sweets shaped like scallop shells.

Murata: Oh, those! Here you are. Eat as much as you like.

Arisaka: Thank you.

Hachikyu: I’ll have the langue de chat cookies, then—

Murata: Now, Hachikyu, isn’t there something you must do before that?

Hachikyu: Huh?

Murata: What scant consideration you have. Can you not see that our tea is running low? Hurry up and pour us more.

Hachikyu: But, I haven’t had anything to eat yet...!? And anyway, I was the one who arranged for us to go to a place full of gi... girls, in the first place, wasn’t I!?

Murata: Such a complainer, you are. Get to it.

Hachikyu: Why do you only do this to me!? Well, I guess it’s just the usual, but still...

Arisaka: Murata wants his tea bitter and very hot, and Arisaka would prefer it mild and not too warm.

Hachikyu: Gotcha...

Murata: Mm, that’s our good errand boy.

Hachikyu: You’re calling me an errand boy now...!

Murata: Ho ho ho. That was just a little joke.

Hachikyu: No, that was at least half-serious...

*Chairman Sid approaches*

Chairman Sid: What’s this? You three... you’re Musketeers from Japan, aren’t you?

Murata: Who is this person?

Chairman Sid: Yes, you definitely are. I am Lieutenant General Sid Copel, the Board Chairman of Philcrevert Allied Forces Military Academy.

Murata: Oh, is that so? What business do you have with us, then?

Chairman Sid: I caught sight of you all enjoying yourselves, that’s all. You’re doing well here, I take it? No problems?

Hachikyu: Well, except for how Murata’s always pushing me around and what a pain in the ass classes and training are, everything’s normal.

Murata: Yes. As our living necessities are well-met, I can think of no troubles, in particular.

Arisaka: ......

Chairman Sid: What is it? Do you have any problems in your school life?

Arisaka: ...Arisaka has no problems either.

Chairman Sid: That’s good to hear... Mm...

Chairman Sid: ...Arisaka-kun, one more thing. As your teacher, I must teach you about a small bit of courtesy.

Hachikyu: (...ah, shit.)

Chairman Sid: When you’re speaking to someone, you should look them in the eyes. At an academy, such courtesy is required.

*Murata punches Chairman Sid*

Chairman Sid: —Ggh!

Murata suddenly stood up and hit the Chairman hard enough to knock him off his feet. The Chairman fell to the floor from the sudden attack, while the surrounding students gaped at the scene with shock.

Hachikyu: Ah—! He actually fucking did it!

Chairman Sid: N... Nnh... What do you think you’re doing!?

Murata: ......

Without answering, and still holding his hands in fists, Murata continues to try to attack the Chairman.

Hachikyu: Stop, stop! Murata, please, calm down!

Murata: Move. Don’t get it my way. Despite his ignorance, he said such uncalled-for things...

Murata: Arisaka, don’t worry. I’ll dispose of this one.

Hachikyu: No no no! If you off this guy, it’ll be a huge problem! He’s a Lieutenant General!! A very important person!!!

Murata: What of it? One such as an incompetent superior officer shall end up killed by his own men.

Hachikyu: This isn’t the damn battlefield, and you can’t just kill people when there are witnesses looking right at you! So stop for now, please!?

Hachikyu: If it were to be said that incompetent behavior is disrespectful, pointing it out yourself, as the teacher, it's honestly... Ah, never mind! And anyway, Stop!! Please!!

Russell: You all, what is going on here—?

Hachikyu: Ah! Good timing getting here. Please, stop Murata! Don’t just stand there, quick!

Russell: Huh... Chairman! Murata, stop! Hachikyu, please do something!

Hachikyu: I can’t do shit...! ...ah, I got it. Arisaka, you’re the perfect person to talk to him. Get his attention, please!

Arisaka: Talk to him...

Arisaka: Murata. Arisaka thinks he wants to talk to you about which ingredients are the best for omurice.

Murata: Hm...?

Murata aims a stabbing glare at the Chairman’s back, who’s quickly fleeing the situation.

Murata: Running away, I see. That Lieutenant General is a capable man in name alone.

Hachikyu: Personally, I think that’s what anyone with a damn scrap of common sense would do!

Russell: Mu-Murata-kun... Even as a Musketeer, that was a terrible act of violence— and against the Board Chairman, no less! This incident cannot be disregarded!

Russell: If you were a normal student, you would be expelled on the spot! Ahhh... Deputy Director-General Kyoudou!!!

Murata: ...hmph.

*scene changes to a classroom*

Fifteen minutes later. Murata, Arisaka, and Hachikyu had been called to meet with Kyoudou and Russell.

Kyoudou: Murata, you’re going to spend three days in the punishment cell. Hachikyu, Arisaka, I’ll leave taking care of meals to you.

Hachikyu: Yeah, yeah, got it.

Arisaka: Understood.

Arisaka: The punishment cell... again?

Russell: Again...? What do you mean...?

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: