Episode 1: “The spy saw it! ~Become noble?~”

.....h, Un.........d~! Later—!

.....Haaah. Lately, all that guy talks about is nobility.

Hurry up and become noble, I hear it all the fuckin’ time...

What’s nobility1? I don’t fuckin’ know! Ahyahya~

And anyway, even if I hear it all the time, I’m gonna forget super quick.

Even clothes should be noble... Noble? I figured out what it is... Kyahaha!

I was mixed up ‘cause “noble” is spelled different* like that! I get it now!

Hehehe... Kyaha! Ahyahyahya—haah!

...Aaaah, I’m laughin’ like crazy!

I guess the point is that I gotta wreck the Antiques, huh? If that happens, nothing’s gotta change, right?

I dunno if it’s “noble” or “soda2”, though… Soda? Ah, I wanna get some cola.

I wonder if the street market sells any~ …wait. I don’t got any money.

Well, whatever. On my way to the street market, I’ll just ask one of the soldiers for some.

A “good citizen” told me that I shouldn’t take pocket money from people, though, huh?

Ahyahya! As I keep saying, I’m a good kid! …oh, I found my wallet quick.

Hey, you over there! Yeah, you. Lend me a little cash, kay?

Episode 2: “The spy saw it! ~The frequent offender of being late~”

Belga: ....huh…..that’s...been summoned? I’m not that old man’s errand boy, y’know?

Soldier: I did hear something about the matter of you being late for today’s individual mission, though...

Belga: Haah~? That’s a pain. Something like that, you should just blow it off, y’know~

Belga: ...Actually, you free now? You’re free, ain’tcha? Go buy me some bread.

Soldier: Eeh!? Even if you say that, I’m following a direct order from my superior officer...

Belga: Tch... Aaah. I’m gettin’ so hungry that my gun might fire by accident, y’know—?

Belga: See, look here... Oops! The safety just went off!

Soldier: Eep...! Br-Bread, you said!? I’ll go buy it right away…!

Belga: Ha! Good thing you’re gettin’ it.

Soldier: U-Um, since that’s the case... would you please accept this?

Belga: Ah? Th’ fuck’s this... an alarm clock?

Soldier: Yes. My superior requested that I give it to you.

Belga: Hmm, lemme see it for a sec... Wait, seriously!?

Belga: This is a robot-lookin’ alarm clock meant for a fuckin’ kid! That old man gave me this shit~!

Soldier: His words were that you should use that alarm clock to... take measures against being late.

Belga: Heheh! Okay, okay. This is funny, so I’ll take it.

Belga: ...well, maybe it’ll wind up broke soon~? Ahyahya!

Episode 3: “The spy saw it! ~Repayment for ice cream~”

Belga:’t it? I thought, it’s Ghost! Ahya, you’re here?

Ghost: Ha? I’ll curse you. Notice things sooner.

Ghost: Hey, Belga. My ice cream was stolen, have you seen it? ...did you eat it?

Belga: Ah, I wonder if I did? Did I eat it...? Did I eat it?

Ghost: My name was even written on the top. How bad are your eyes?

Belga: That one, huh? Ahya! My bad, my bad... Even your writing ain’t got any presence.

Ghost: ...........

Ghost: Ah, I see. You know, I heard that you were bawling over a love song the other day.

Belga: O-Oh, that one. The one with the girl singing. Yeah, I fuckin’ cried.

Ghost: Well, it’s based on a true story. Did you know that?

Belga: Eh, s-seriously..?

Ghost: Seriously. After being abandoned by her parents, she had to live in solitude.

Belga: Uuah... So if it wasn’t a true story, she wouldn’t be able to sing like that…!

Belga: That’s... Fuck, thinking about it has me crying again…! *sniff*

Ghost: ...actually, that was a total lie.

Belga: Eh? ...hah!? Y-You bastard...! Were you just makin’ fun of me!?

Belga: I was all moved ‘cause I believed you! Idiot!

Ghost: Hmmm, who is stupid here… That was just returning the favor for eating my ice cream. Stupid.

Belga: I ain’t gonna forgive you for that! Don’t try to run!...huh? I lost sight of him already.

Belga: Damn it——! Ghost, you goddamn idiot! Stuuuupid!!


1The joke here is that Belga doesn’t recognize the word. He’s using “コーキ” (kouki) instead of “高貴” (kouki), which implies that he has no idea what he’s saying. When he figures it out, he starts using “のーぶる” (nouburu), which is also... not correct. It’s the English for “高貴”, but written in hiragana instead of katakana, like foreign words usually would be.

2Belga is again using “コーキ” (kouki) here, but this time, he gets it mixed up with “コーク” (kouku), which sounds like the “Coke” part of “Coca Cola”. That does not translate well. I tried.